Soldering and 3D Printing isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. Therefore, all of the components that you’d need to build a system will soon be available here. All you will need is a wire stripper and a couple screwdrivers!

The first official public release of the GitHub code was released as v1.0.1 on May 11, 2024. As of this time, a RPi Smart Still “Pi Hat” has been developed as is currently in the testing phases. These will be made available as a downloadable Gerber file that you can send to any PCB maker, such as PCB Way who will completely assemble the board and send it to you. I will not be stocking and selling these boards myself, the purchase will be between you and the PCB maker.

What I will be selling on this website are the 3D printed parts, plus assembled LIDAR Hydrometer Reader units that you can attach to pretty much any existing distilling parrot. I just don’t have the time or the space to run a full mail order service out of my house. More info will be made available soon, as I am determining pricing at this time.

This system is only intended for hobbyist and small business micro distillers. Commercial distilleries use continuous column stills, this system would be of no value or use in that kind of setting. The target audience for this system are those who want to have the convenience of hands-free reproducibility or just want to tame down a touchy still.

Be sure to subscribe to the Panhandle Ponics YouTube channel to stay current on updates and developments. If you have any questions or suggestions, comment on the videos or shoot me a message from the contact form!