Regarding The YouTube Absence

In regards to the numerous emails from the contact form here about the absence from YouTube, here’s the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of the reason why. YouTube has ruined their platform since they introduced “Shorts” in their attempt to compete with TikTok. Additionally, my attempt to utilize Shorts and long form together has poisoned both of my channels. Never mix both on the same channel, always have a separate channel for Shorts. I learned this too late.

At this point, I haven’t decided what I want to do. YouTube isn’t a priority for me because I have no desire to become a full time “creator” even though I’ve qualified for monetization. When you add Shorts to your channel, they get a lot of views and you gain a lot of quick subscribers, but they have an attention span of a minute or less and won’t watch any more than a minute of your long form videos. What’s the point in making long form videos that get next to no views?

I don’t create long form videos because I’m desperate for attention, I create them to convey information to help others. But when YouTube only suggests your Shorts to viewers, it’s hardly worth the time to bother putting together long form videos. YouTube pushed the Shorts like crazy because they wanted to compete with TikTok, but they never bothered to tell channel owners that adding them to your channel would instantly poison it, and that there’s no “undo” operation.

Starting a new channel from scratch is really of no interest to me, nor is moving to TikTok or Rumble because I’m not a viral content creator. About all I can think of is to delete all of the Shorts and wait to see if YouTube ever realizes their attempt to compete with TikTok was an epic failure. Honestly, I should put together a long form video explaining what I have covered here and see how long it takes to get the same number of views as my lowest performing Shorts video.

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